The Political Sociology of Nigeria: An Analysis of Political Culture and Behaviour


Part I
1. Introduction
2. Methodology and Theoretical Foundation
3. Political Culture
Typologies of Political Culture
4. Elements of Political Culture
5. The Sociology of Chang?
6. Engagement in the Political Arena
7. The Military in Nigerian Politics
8. The Party System
9. Political Violence in Nigeria
10. Leadership in Nigeria

Part II
11. Political Behaviour in Global Perspective
12. Political Behaviour in Nigeria: Explanda
13. Electoral (voting) Behaviour: Analysis
14. Political Economy and Power in Nigeria
15. Political Behaviour: The Marxist Viewpoint
16. The State and the Economy: Political – Economy Perception

(I) Repositioning the PDP: Our Stand
(ll) Atiku attacked in Lagos
(III) Dangote, Adedoyin, others named beneficiaries of N53.3 billion failed bank loans


The puzzle as to why the Nigerian statesmen have repetitive behavioral pattem in all regimes and republics have bothered many people over the years.
This question arises because a?er the military restores civil rule, the frustration which led to the fall of the earlier civil regime, resurfaces, thereby heightening the frustration of Nigerians, hence the question.
This book has contributed to the debate in attempting to explicate that the political culture which has developed, accounts for the similar political pedigree of the actors. The book has gone further to indicate the theoretical and empirical processes for the development of political culture in Nigeria and identi?ed socialization as the means for the consolidation of the norms and values of this form of behavior hence its repetition.
It is a commendable exercise and an enomious contribution in the ?eld of Political Sociology by the author to open the vista to the question. It is recommendation both the academic and a practitioner of politics, for it is a worthwhile academic venture. It is aimed at changing the dysfunctional aspect of Nigeria political culture to ensure effective service delivery.

Professor Bassey Ate,
Department of Political Science/Public Administration,
University of Uyo,
Akwa Ibom State,

Dr. Etim Frank

Etim Okon Frank is an articulate scholar of Political Science and Public Administration who has added value to several institutions till he joined University of Uyo in 2008.

His ardent personality has made him a choice candidate for several responsibilities within and outside the University some of which includes Acting-Director Clement Isong Centre for Development Studies, Member, Akwa Ibom Advisory Committee(AIPAC) Niger Delta Dialogue, External Examiner, Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar etc.

He is a member of some high profile professional bodies like Nigerian Institute of Personnel Management, Chartered Institute of Public Diplomacy and Management etc.

His passion for Political and Administrative theories has given birth to several researches published as books, monographs, journal articles, book chapters and conference papers. Majority are open access on his virtual space at

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