Comprehensive Questions and Answers on Government and Political Ideas


Table of Content

The Nature of Politics
Approaches to the Study of Politics
Political Opposition
Constitutional Development
Public Administration
International Relations/organizations
Contemporary Socio-Political Issues
African Politics

Dev. Administration/Public Policy
Local Government
Nigeria’s contribution to all ECOWAS
Power, Authority, Legitimacy and Sovereignty
Capitalism and socialism and communism
Iron-law of Oligarchy
Types of Government System
Presidential/Cabinet System of Govemment
Executive fon’n of Government/Its Control
The Rule of Law
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Separation of Power/Cabinet and Presidential

Party Organisation
Pressure Groups
Elections/Public Opinion
Public Sector Management
Civil Service
Pre-colonial forms of Government
Effect of Colonialism
Structure of British/French
Colonial Rule
Citizens and the subject in French territory

2001 PAPER 1
2002 PAPER 1 & 2
2005 PAPER 1 & 2
2007 PAPER 1 & 2
2009 PAPER 1 & 2





A good number of teachers and lecturers are more interested in rehearsing theories and doling out mere pedagogy to their students as the normal teaching method.
Often the only learning tools available to students are textbooks, some of which despicably do not fall short of being a mere recirculation of stale information and knowledge. Perhaps, it is more frequent in physical than social sciences to present textbooks with accompanying workbooks that help to challenge the practical ability of students and help to equip their thought process and problem-solving capability.
lt needs be said however that the workbook method has done more harm than good for the physical sciences since it has come to replace the central scientific method of laboratory-based practical. Nevertheless, for the social sciences, the harm done by the inability of most disciplines to aid students with workbooks and question and answer learning guides cannot be imagined. Indeed, for most social science disciplines, it is only in the exam halls that students are challenged for the first time to become problem solvers rather than mere ‘regurgitators’ of whatever prose that has been presented to them as lecture notes or textbooks.

The textbook Comprehensive Questions and Answers (CQA) on Government by E.O. Frank is therefore a timely piece that seeks to redirect teachers on the importance of challenging the problem solving ability of their students through exposing them to likely examination questions on each lesson undertaken. lt is expected that students would peruse their main text and apply this volume as a source of revision note, to refresh their memory in the quest of career in the social sciences. The Author has through this compilation reminded me of the ‘Made Simple Series’ of literary works. It is simply a replacement for the ‘Made Simple Series‘ of the yester- years.

The text treated all the basic concepts in Government and Political Science and provided explanatory notes on their applications. It is indeed a call to more practical approach to teaching for most of our colleagues in the social sciences. l am therefore, recommending the text not only to all students of Political Science and allied fields for whom the present text is written, but also to all lecturers, tutors and teachers in social disciplines, who should emulate the approach in developing a more practical approach to teaching.

Okey Marcellous lkeanyibe, PhD
Dept. of PublicAdministration and Local Government
Faculty of the Social Sciences
University of Nigeria (UNN)
December, 2013

The textbook Comprehensive Questions and Answers (CQA) on Government is one of the series of literature intended to make Political Science easy to understand and generate obligations from the govern to willingly obey laws and order with little coercion. It is a text which fill the knowledge gaps in the teaching of ‘Government at the ‘Ordinary and Advanced‘ levels respectively.

The need for the text was identified in course of managing Akwa lbom State College of Arts and Science, where IJMB examinations were taken as qualifying examinations to the Universities. Afurther necessity for this text became obvious in the course of teaching Political Science to the first grade undergraduates. In the course of the lecturer-student engagements, a lacuna was identified particularly in the course titled ‘Political ideas‘. The authority of the University of Uyo, assigned me to head and coordinates the teaching of ‘Government’ in the Pre-Degree programme beside my normal duty schedule. It was at this point that the desirability of this text became manifested. It is that challenge which has resulted into the Comprehensive Questions and Answers on Governmentand Political Ideas.

The text is divided into four parts and contains two hundred and fifty (250) questions and answers where Part 1, covers IJMBE Revised Syllabus in Government, use in the ‘A‘ level programme. Part ll treats the Senior Secondary School Curriculum and Part lll deals with the course outline of ‘Political Ideas‘ being one of the foundation courses of first grader-undergraduates in Political Science and Public Administration. Part IV Reviews past question papers covering a period of five (5) years of previous IJMB

Dr. Etim Frank

Etim Okon Frank is an articulate scholar of Political Science and Public Administration who has added value to several institutions till he joined University of Uyo in 2008.

His ardent personality has made him a choice candidate for several responsibilities within and outside the University some of which includes Acting-Director Clement Isong Centre for Development Studies, Member, Akwa Ibom Advisory Committee(AIPAC) Niger Delta Dialogue, External Examiner, Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar etc.

He is a member of some high profile professional bodies like Nigerian Institute of Personnel Management, Chartered Institute of Public Diplomacy and Management etc.

His passion for Political and Administrative theories has given birth to several researches published as books, monographs, journal articles, book chapters and conference papers. Majority are open access on his virtual space at

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