Contrastive Study of Efik and English Phonology (M.A.)
This study is concerned with an analysis of Efik and English phonology. It investigates areas of differences as well as areas of similarities with a view to anticipating the problems which Efik learners or users of English are likely to encounter. It examines the place of Contrastive Analysis, (CA), as a key notion in linguistic description and attempts to trace the role of non-linguistic factors in explicating the problems faced by the Efiks. In handling the two languages, there is generally more detailed description of Efik phonology while relevant areas of English phonology come in for contrastive or comparative purposes only. The rationale for this approach is established in the first chapter.
Chapter One stipulates the desirability for the investigation. It discusses the problem, limits the investigation, indicates the elicitation procedures and clarifies such issues of approach like method of contrast and comparison, descriptive model and order of entries.
Chapter Two deals with Efik and English vowel systems. It attempts an analysis of the two sound systems and makes predictions in the light of the analysis.
Chapter Three discusses Efik and English consonant systems. The areas of differences and areas of similarities are pointed out and problems or their absence for the Efiks are predicted in the light of CA principles of interference and of facilitation.
Chapter Four takes a look at Efik and English supra-segmental features. The main supraisegmental features discussed are stress, tone and intonation. Efik tone is contrasted with English intonation and the place of stress in both languages is highlighted.
Chapter Five focuses on findings, summaries and conclusions. It discusses information revealed through data collected, sets up hierarchies of production as well as recognition problems, and takes a fresh look at the major issues by way of summaries and conclusions. Finally, a bibliography at the end indicates the sources consulted for this study.
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
1.1 Need for the study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3The variety analysed/Informants
1.4 Elicitation procedures
1.4.1 Production tests – purpose
1.4.2 Recognition test – purpose
1.4.3 Interview questions – purpose
1.5 Problems of approach
1.5.1 Method of contrast and comparison
1.5.2 Descriptive model
1.5.3 Order of entries
1.6 Notes to chapter One
CHAPTER TWO: Efik and English vowel systems, analysis and predictions
2.1 Efik vowels, (general)
2,2 English vowels, (general)
2.3 Efik front vowels
2.3.1 English front vowels
2.3.2 Efik and English front vowels predictions
2.4 Efik back vowels
2.4.1 English back vowels
2.4.2 English central vowels
2.4.3 Efik vowel assimilation
2.4.4 Efik vowel length
2.4.5 Efik vowel harmony
2.4.6 Efik and English vowel systems predictions
2.5 Efik and English vowel sound frequency
2.6 Efik and English vowel Charts
2.7 Notes to chapter Two
CHAPTER THREE: Efik and English consonant systems, analysis and predictions
3.1 Efik consonant sounds, (general)
3.2 English consonant sounds, (general)
3.3 Efik consonant Sounds, (preliminary phonotactic possibilities)
3.4 Efik plosive consonants
3.4.1 English plosive consonants
3.4.2 Efik and English plosive consonants predictions
3.5 Efik fricative consonants – analysis
3.5.1 English fricative consonants – analysis
3.5.2 Efik and English fricative consonants predictions
3.6 Efik nasals – analysis
3.6.1 English nasals – analysis
3.6.2 Efik and English nasals – predictions
3.7 Efik semi-vowels; Efik flap – analysis
3.7.1 English semi-vowels; lateral; affricates analysis
3.7.2 Efik and English semi-vowels; flap; lateral; affricates — predictions
3.8 Efik double consonants
3.9 Efik and English consonants – summary
3.10 Notes to chapter Three
CHAPTER FOUR: Efik and English suprasegmental features
4.1Introductory comments
4.1.1 Tone/Intonation distinction
4.2 Efik syllable structure
4.2.1 Efik semantic tone
4.2.2 Semantic/Grammatical tone link
4.2.3 Efik Grammatical tone – prefixes/suffixes
4.2.4 Efik Grammatical tons – compound words
4.3 Downdrift
4.3.1 Downdrift – problems
4.4 Efik tone assimilation
4.5 “Stress” in Efik
4.6 Question “intonation” in Efik
4.7 English intonation
4.7.1 The rising/falling tune
4.7.2 English intonation – other sources
4.8 Stress in English
4.9 Notes to chapter Four
CHAPTER FIVE: Findings, summaries and Conclusions
5.1 Introductory comments
5.2 Production test – first part- findings
5.2.1 Production test – second part – findings
5.2.2 Production test – third part – findings
5.2.3 Production test – stress – findings
5.2.4 Production test – intonation – findings
5.2.5 Production of items of special difficulities – English
5.2.6 Production of items of special difficulties
5.3 Recognition test – findings
5.4 Interviews – findings
5.5 Summaries and conclusions
5.6 Notes to Chapter Five
(i) Production test – questions
(ii) Recognition test – questions
(m) Interviews – questions
(iv) Notes on sound frequency
Table 1: Elicitation Procedures
Table 2: Efik vowels, (Sound frequency)
Table 3: English vowels, (sound frequency)
Table 4: Efik Pure Vowcls, (chart)
Table 5: Efik falling diphthongs, (chart)
Table 6: Efik “pseudo diphthongs,” (chart)
Table 7: English pure vowels, (chart)
Table 8: English “closing” diphthongs, (chart)
Table 9: English ‘tentring’ diphthongs, (chart)
Table 10: Efik consonants, (chart)
Table 11: English consonants, (chart)
Table 12: Efik consonants = positional distribution
Table 13: English consonants – positional distribution
Table 14: Efik consonants, (sound frequency)
Table 15: English consonants, (sound frequency)
Table 16: Hierarchy cf Production problems English consonant sounds
Table 17: Hierarchy cf production problems English vowels
Table 18: Hierarchy of production problems – English stress
Table 19: Hierarchy of production problems – English intonation
Table 20: Hierarchy of recognition problems – English consonants and vowels

Prof. David Eka
Late Prof David Eka was an erudite Professor of English with more than 42 years experience. As a scholar who specialized in The Phonology of English, Sociolinguistics, General Phonetics, Applied Linguistics and Use of English/Language Planning, he had lectured and imparted knowledge to many in several Institutions across the nation and beyond. He held professional memberships in some bodies some of which includes Literary Society of Nigeria. A major part of his career had been with the University of Uyo, where he lectured and held several responsibilities within the Faculty of Arts and the University at large. He lectured 7 Undergraduate Courses, 4 Postgraduate Courses and supervised several Undergraduate and Postgraduate projects, thesis and dissertations.
He has authored several books, book chapters and journal articles, many of which can can be accessed on this website. He has been the Chief Editor to the Journal of Humanities for several volumes. He was a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church. He is blessed with a beautiful family.
He is late now, but his works lives on.
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