Curriculum technologies for basic education: Methods, media and their utilization by Inyang-Abia, M. E
Calabar: MIFAM Services Nig. Ltd.(2001)
The ever-expanding role of technology in all aspects of human endeavour is becoming more embracing, more enticing and better appreciated than ever before., In; the education sector, especially in the developed economies, the computers, the cellular technology, the internet, the website, the electronic book (e-book) and the electronic mail (e-mail) have conspired with other communication modes which operate at supra lightning speed to gradually delete the teacher image. They have taken formal education from the four walls of the classroom to the comfort of the bedroom.
How can the professional teacher then remain relevant vis-a-vis the emerging daunting technological phenomena except to recruit and mobilize these and other technologies to his advantage and the benefit of the learner? This can make the smarter software and technical know-how to adequately mine the nooks and can-mics of education that the conventional instructional tools cannot reach. This is part of what Curriculum technologies for basic education: methods, media and their utilization has emphasized. But what happens in the developing economies such as Nigeria? Improvisation is the tentative answer. But thank Goodness technology, like culture, is fluid therefore it cannot be held tight within cultural boundaries. Transfer of technology has fuelled cultural evolutionary metamorphosis for faster on on-going process of globalization. No nation can therefore hide from the transforming effect of technology.
The three major units of this book combine to make up twenty-one chapters. Unit one that focuses on instructional methodology consists of ten chapters. Unit two focuses on curriculum materials and technologies within its seven chapters. Unit three has four chapters that cover low-cost curriculum technologies for basic education, for learning disabilities, sourcing for instructional materials and their storage. As its supplementary counterpart; Curriculum dynamics and professionalism in teaching; the present text was born out of the burning desire to promote basic education by rekindling the waning spirit of both the young and the experienced doyen professionals. All educators, teacher trainers and their trainees will find both books to be invaluable assets.
The numerous people who have, in various ways contributed to the success of this book are gratefully acknowledged. These include members of my family, my friends, colleagues and students. Of special mention are Glory George, Joy Paul, Ekaette Samuel and Mercy Bede who typeset the manuscript. Specially acknowledged are all the authors whose works have been cited or consulted.
Inyang-Abia, M. E. (Ph.D)
Department of Educational Technology
Institute of Education
University of Calabar
Calabar , Nigeria.
Chapter 1: Audio visual (A. V. methods)
Chapter 2: Discussion methods
Chapter 3: Entereducate methods
Chapter 4: Expository methods
Chapter 5: Inquiry methods
Chapter 6: Peer teaching
Chapter 7: Practical methods
Chapter 8: Problem-solving methods
Chapter 9: The Project method
Chapter 10: Value clarification
Chapter 11: The prints (Textual Instructional materials
Chapter 12: Instructional audios
Chapter 13: Instructional visuals
Chapter 14: The audiovisuals
Chapter 15: The phenomenal instructional materials
Chapter 16: The manipulative instructional materials
Chapter17: The computer
Chapter 18: Sources of instructional materials for education and training
Chapter 19: Low-cost instructional technologies for teaming disabilities
Chapter 20: Some low-cost curriculum technologies for Universal Basic Education
Chapter 21: Instructional material storage facilities

Prof Moses Inyangabia
INYANG-ABIA, Moses, is a Professor of Curriculum Technologies and Environmental Education, Faculty of Education, University of Calabar. He holds a PhD (UNICAL: Curri Tech – 2000); CFS (Strathclyde: Environmental Edu -1990); MA (UNIFE: EduTech -1984); BA (UNICAL: Edu/Geo -1980). He was Director, Institute of Education ( 2006 – 2007); Provost,). Current research focus includes Integration of New Instructional Technologies and Grassroots Climate Change Mitigation Strategies.
His last two national outings were Lead Presentations at the Nigeria’s Centenary Celebration organized by NEST at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, September 24-25, 2014; and the Broad-based Multi-Sector National Education Summit organized at Abuja, Nigeria, by Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in collaboration with other Campus Unions and Civil Society Groups, 27-31 October, 2014.
Professor Inyang-Abia has travelled extensively, having been to all states of the federation and three continents of the world. He is, by the Grace of God, a Christian to the core. He is happily married to a Princess, Dr. (Mrs.) Eme Inyangabia. They are blessed with many children, in-laws and grandchildren. His major hobbies include reading, writing, conservation activities, religious activities and table tennis. He is a silent achiever
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