Development Communication
1 What Development Communication is
2 The Foundations of Development Communication
3 The Media for Development
4 Development Communication in a Society with Ethnic Hostility
5 Mass Mobilization Communication for Development
6 Developing Issues in Rural Reporting
7 Localization of Development Communication Media
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Development Communication is about how communication could be used for organized development such as the type undertaken by Federal and Local Governments.
The idea to write this hook came to me when I was teaching a Communication Arts course known as Issues in Developmental Communication (from which this book takes its name) at the defunct University of Cross River State, now University of Uyo. This followed my discovery the existing literature on development communication is dominated by how the mass media could be used for development. Those who have noticed this flaw and want a remedy, have advocated the use of both the modern and traditional media for development communication. But does development communication concern only what media to use for development?
This book aims to remedy the lack of hooks that treat development communication beyond the use modern and Traditional media for development. To achieve this, an attempt has been made to explore other factors in a communication process which may be even more fundamental than the media – the condition of the receiver and his environment. It is an interdisciplinary exercise, drawing from the social science and humanities.
It is hoped that through this approach a society of the future where the majority can receive development communication and interpret to mean what the sender meant would be attained.
Chapters three and five have been developed from conference papers presented at the Nigerian Mass Communication Association Conference in 1990 and 1998 at Enugu and Uyo respectively.
Borrowing from the elementary economic concept of localisation of industries’, the book suggests the need a new thinking on what is becoming one of Nigeria’s perennial development information dissemination problems and offers methods which Nigeria can use to solve the problem of information dissemination to rural areas.
I would like to thank Prof. Desmond Wilson, my colleague and former Head of Communication Arts, and late Professor Emmanuel Akpan – one time Head of Communication Arts, and Dean of Arts – all University of Uyo, for reading the manuscript. Their comments were very useful, leading to the sharpening of certain ideas in this book. Also i’m grateful to my sister in the Lord, Mrs Inyang E.O. Udoh for typing the manuscript even when she was just out of hospital and Dr Irene Brightner from whose idea this book has also benefited.
Nkereuwem Udoakah
September, 1998

Prof. Nkereuwem Udoakah
Nkereuwem Udoakah is a former newspaper journalist, now a Professor in Communication Arts in the University of Uyo, Nigeria. His professional experience includes reporting and editorial work with the Nigerian Chronicle and Quest Magazine, published by the Cross River State Newspaper Corporation, Calabar. He worked as a sub-editor, editorial assistant, feature writer, production editor and assistant editor on those publications. He became the officer responsible for fund-raising at the University of Cross River State (now University of Uyo) before joining the academic staff. Prof. Udoakah is a member of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON), the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR). His research interests include journalism and media Studies, politics and the media, and development communication. He is the author of Government and the Media in Nigeria, Development Communication and Issues in Media Practices. He has many book chapters and journal articles to his credit. Prof.
Udoakah had his professional training in Ghana and Britain.
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