Perspectives of Appropriate Assessment of Cognitive Behaviours in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education – 31st Inaugural lecture of University of Uyo by Professor Nsedu Inyang
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Meaning and importance of STEM Education
1.2 STEM Education in the USA, China and Finland 1.3 STEM Education in Nigeria
1.4 Importance of Assessment
1.5 Assessment in Nigerian Educational System The 1.6 Lecture in focus
2.0 Principles of Assessment and Testing in STEM teaching
2.1 What is assessment?
2.1.1 Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation compared
2.1.2. How and when can assessment be carried out?
2.1.3 Why Assess/of what use is assessment? 10 2.1.4 Major dimensions of behaviour in which assessment should be carried out.
2.1.5 Table of specification –
2.1.6 Continuous Assessment in STEM Teaching What is Continuous Assessment? Characteristics of Continuous Assessment Rationale.for Continuous Assessment • Techniques of Continuous Assessment The Diagnostic Functions of Continuous Assessment Continuous Assessment in Educational Institutions in Nigeria Selected Studies on Diagnostic uses of
Test Results
2.2 Assessment in the Cognitive Domain
2.2.1 – Description of Questions in the six levels of objectives in the cognitive domain
2.2.2 Key words associated with each of the levels 2.2.3 Sample Questions in the Six Levels
2.2.4 Types of Assessment Instruments Multiple-Choice Items Multiple-Choice Varieties Description of Test Items on each Multiple Choice Variety Illustrative Items on each Multiple Choice Variety
3.0 The construction, validation and standardization of Integrated Science AchievementTests for Junior Secondary Schools in Nigeria
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Conduct of study
3.3 Methods of Data Analysis
3.4 Applications of Methods of Data Analysis
3.5 Results of Study
3.5.1 Result of Test Construction
3.5.2 Test Forms for Trial/Pilot Testing 3.5.3 Results of Item Analysis After Trial/ Pilot Testing
3.5.4 Reliability and Standard Error of Measurement
3.5.5 Norm Groups-Gender and School Location 54 3.5.6 Results of inalysis of Variance
4.0 Studies Utilizing Results of Assessment 56
4.1 Effects of ability grouping and order of treatment of related mathematical principles on students performance in Quantitative Chemistry problems
4.2 The relative effectiveness of guided discovery and expository strategies on students’ performance in senior secondary school chemistry
4.3 The influence of assignment, teaching methods and class size on students’ achievement in Integrated Science
4.4 Effect of problem-solving models and ability on the achievement of students in solving quantitative problems in chemistry
5.0 Summary and educational implications
5.1 Summary
5.2 Educational Implication
6.0 Recommendations
7.0 Conclusion
1. Dimensions of Behaviour for assessment
2. Norm and Criterion-referenced score distributions
3. A flowchart of the major steps involved in the study
4. Test setting a flow diagram – 65 viii
1. Format of a Table of Specification for a 50 item multiple-choice test
2. Words often associated with the levels of the cognitive domain 26
3. Distribution of items on ISAT according to levels of the cognitive domain
4. Distribution of test items on ISAT, 1B, 2B and 3B with respect to cognitive levels tested
5. Characteristics of satisfactory items in ISAT 1B 3
6. Summary of Data from pilot testing of ISAT 1, 2, and 3
7. Norm group sizes and summary of scores in ISAT 1, 2 and 3
8. Analysis of variance on the mean scores on ISAT 1, 2 and 3 by gender and school Location

Prof. Nsedu Inyang
Professor N.E.U. Inyang has always been a teacher. He started as an Assistant Science Master at Duke Town Secondary School, Calabar. From 1976 till date he has taught in various institutions. He was appointed Acting Head, Department of Science Education in Uniuyo from 1994-1998 and promoted Associate and full Professor of Science Education in 1999 and 2002 respectively. He has taught undergraduate courses in Science Education, supervised undergraduate projects and jointly supervised Masters and Ph.D dissertations and theses both in University of Uyo and during his sabbatical leave to Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
Prof. Nsedu Inyang served in various capacities in the Science Teachers‘ Association of Nigeria (STAN) at both State and National levels. It was during his tenure as Chairman of Akwa Ibom State branch of STAN, He that Akwa Ibom State Branch was adjudged the best branch of the year for an outstanding membership among other achievements. Prof. Inyang served the Akwa Ibom State Government as a resource person at various workshops for primary and secondary school science and mathematics teachers.
Prof. Nsedu Inyang has been engaged in a number of Editorial services. He jointly published Integrated Science Workshop proceedings on the Integrated Science Curriculum in the 3 3 system Secondary Education in 1981. He jointly edited a book of readings on science and society 1997. He is editorial adviser of the integrated Science Education series of Integrated Science Panel of STAN and an author of the Basic Science of the University Press Plc, Ibadan, Nigeria.
To date, Prof. Nsedu Inyang has 45 publications to his credit made up of 22 journal articles and 23 book chapters, many of which can be accessed on this knowledgebase. He attended and presented several the keynote addresses and lead papers at conferences, some of which includes Teacher’s Day in 2009 at the Akwa Ibom State rally of NUT and a motivational talk at the Mobil/NNPC/Akwa Ibom State Science quiz, facilitated by the Akwa Ibom State Branch of STAN etc.
Prof. Nsedu Inyang has played a number of leadership roles in his christian life. He is happily married and is blessed with successful children.
His personal knowledgebase and website can be accessed via
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