Rural Development: Theories, Issues and Practices
Section I: Rural Development
General Characteristics of Rural Areas
Problem Statement
Section II: Framework of Analysis
Functionalism/Neo Functionalism
Perception of Planners
Section III: “Rural and Development”
What is Rural
Development as Economic Growth
Development as Modernization
Development as Distributive Justice
Development as Socio-Economic
Rodney‘s Conception of Development
Raison D’etre of Rural Development
Problems of Rural Development
Causes of Rural poverty
Rural Poverty: An Analysis
The way out of Poverty
Nigeria Case History .
Operation Feed the Nation
Green Revolution
Rural Development: Nigeria
Problem 1,2, and 3
Section IV: Theories of Rural Development
Animation Rurale
Integrated Rural Development
Revolution theory
Equilibrium theory
Section V: Model of Rural Development
Ujamaa Vijijini
Integrated Rural Development
Nigeria and IRD
Section VI: Rural Development Research Institutes
Research Institutes
World Bank ADP
Section VII: Implementation Approaches of Rural Development
Sectional Approach
Productive Approach
Coordinated Action Approach
Participated Approach
Integrated Rural Development
Community Development
Challenges of CD
Part II New Paradigm
General Objective of RD
Specific Objectives
Strategis of RD
Frank’s Spinoff theory of Rural Development
Germanic Model
The Reflective Theory of RD
Expedieoxies of the Theory
The Value-Chain Theory of Cassava Cultivation
Translation to Rural Development
Challenges of the Value-Chain Theory
This lecture series was made possible by the lacuna created in reaching study materials in Development studies, Sustainable Development and Rural Development respectively. The study guide raises several questions, and challenges the students to resolve them. All the countryside referred to as rural areas or districts are part Of the larger Nigeria nation, why should it be discounted in the National Development Plans each development year?
It is instructive to note that the right appellation of Local Government Studies is Local Government and Rural Development. This is because Local Government remain the major instrument for Rural Development. In addition, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is yet another aperture for driving Rural Development, yet both of them create more distance between them and rural
areas. What account for this situation?
Another paradox of rural area is that that entire persons charged with setting public policy agenda are all from the rural areas, yet they discount the areas in development calculus. Why is this practice?
This is the arena created for the novel Spinoff theory of rural development by this author. The theory seek a synergy between the national, central or federal government in collaboration with the states, regions or province in catalysing development in the rural area as a spin, from Where radial actions would generate to cause positive-changes in the rural district in a value – chain fashion. This is expected to reduce poverty, unemployment, inequality and enhance self-reliance.

Dr. Etim Frank
Etim Okon Frank is an articulate scholar of Political Science and Public Administration who has added value to several institutions till he joined University of Uyo in 2008.
His ardent personality has made him a choice candidate for several responsibilities within and outside the University some of which includes Acting-Director Clement Isong Centre for Development Studies, Member, Akwa Ibom Advisory Committee(AIPAC) Niger Delta Dialogue, External Examiner, Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar etc.
He is a member of some high profile professional bodies like Nigerian Institute of Personnel Management, Chartered Institute of Public Diplomacy and Management etc.
His passion for Political and Administrative theories has given birth to several researches published as books, monographs, journal articles, book chapters and conference papers. Majority are open access on his virtual space at
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