THE CHOICE IS YOURS: A Guide to Making Godly & Right Choices in a World full of Wrongs
About The Book
WE ARE LIVING IN A WORLD that daily spins up berserk behaviours and wrong values. Many openly promote wrong views, behaviours and beliefs that are clearly against conventional moral standards. The church, family and academic institutions which have the responsibilities of grooming leaders are at crossroads, finding it difficult to sustain standards and ethics. The moral outlook of the present world is abysmal. It requires urgent antidote to restore values before the decaying more sore becomes a behemoth. This is an inspired work designed to help people make the right and godly choices in a world full of the wrong options.
About the Author
THE AUTHOR, Rev. Ibok Felix ibok is an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God, Nigeria who encountered the Lord Jesus Christ in 1982 through the Scripture Union. He has passed through the thorns of life, but his faith in Christ Jesus sustained him through the stormy waters. He trained with the Assemblies of God Bible College and is passionate about Church planting. He is a professional accountant and co-founded Eyak Ibong Akarn Outreach with his wife, Rev. Mrs. Enobong Ibok, a renowned gospel artiste and minister. Both are blessed with lovely children.
ISBN: 978-978-55765-4-6
Chapter 1: Man. A Creation of Choice
Chapter 2: Critical Areas People Make Choices
Chapter 3: Valley of Indecision
Chapter 4: People and Choices
Chapter 5: Dangers of Wrong Choices
Chapter 6: Between Good & Wrong Choices
Chapter 7: Why People Make Wrong Choices
Chapter 8: Sacrificing for the Right Choices
Chapter 9: Faith In Making Choices
Chapter 10: Choice of Leaders
This is an inspired work designed to help people make the right and godly choices in a world full of wrong options.
JUNE 2018 was a watershed in my calling and ministry in the Lord’s vineyard. My wife and I had put together an outreach event, An Evening with Jesus. While preparing for the occasion, the Lord prompted me to speak on the subject of choice under the tille, The Choice is Yours.
The Spirit of God took me through Bible characters like Nicodemus and the rich young ruler. Both were well known Jewish people who made different choices regarding their faith and stand in the kingdom.
The vision of Deuteronomy 30:15-19 where God presented to the people of Israel the option of life and death but advised them to choose life so they may live, came to light in my spirit with a strong unction. Guests at the meeting, including co-labourers in the vineyard were heavily touched by the Spirit of God that evening; with scores of souls surrendering to Jesus.
For the gathering, it was as if the subject of choice was just heard for the very first time. The power of the Holy Spirit was so strong, moving the audience to resolve more than ever, to stand up for Jesus. That night, the Spirit of God woke me with fresh insight on this subject, giving me an outline to develop this book for a wider reach.
I trust that as we read, the power of God will move even stronger than when the message was first presented in a live audience. Thank you.
Ibok Felix Ibok
CHOICE is a daily routine. We make choice consciously or unconsciously in life. Even when you are neutral in a real life situation, you are still making a choice; a choice to be neutral. Some choices lead to success and peace, while others to failure and anxiety. Some make choices which help them to make progress while others regret over wrong choices they had made.
However, some made choices which they later found out to be wrong and took steps to correct them, while others’ choices may never be corrected. Wrong choice of items like cars may be corrected and changed for a preferred one. Choice of a life partner is costly one which must be carefully and prayerfully made. If you make a mistake choosing a wrong partner, it may not be easily changed for a believer.
Many ministers of the Gospel fail to maximize their calling because of wrong choice of partners they made before accepting to serve in the vineyard. Some couples live in permanent regret because they did not make the correct choice of a spouse.
Wrong choice of where and how to worship has destroyed the faith of Christians. There are many older persons today who live in regret at Old age for not choosing God while young. Ability to make good choices in life at the right time is a great gift. In leadership and management, failure to make a good choke in time can endanger an organization.
Certain critical choices are to be made prayerfully and by faith because certain wrong
decisions may be spiritually motivated. This is why the Bible in Proverbs 3:5-6(KJV) admonishes us to:
Trust in the Lord with all yaw heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths.
This scripture is very central to making right choices in life. If you want to avoid making mistakes, meditate and comply with it. It has three instructive parts: trust God with all your hearts and not your understanding: in all decisions and choices, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths or choices.
Praying before taking critical decisions in life is imperative. It is rather disheartening to note that most of our choices are based on human reasoning and physical needs. This is also why we fail many times. I trust God to guide our hearts into making decisions that are in harmony with the will of God.

Pst. Ibok Felix Ibok
Rev. Ibok Felix ibok is an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God, Nigeria who encountered the Lord Jesus Christ in 1982 through the Scripture Union. He has passed through the thorns of life, but his faith in Christ Jesus sustained him through the stormy waters. He trained with the Assemblies of God Bible College and is passionate about Church planting. He is a professional accountant and co-founded Eyak Ibong Akarn Outreach with his wife, Rev. Mrs. Enobong Ibok, a renowned gospel artiste and minister. Both are blessed with lovely children.
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