Heavy metal contents of Poultry Feeds and Liver Tissues of Chicken Fed with Different Poultry Feeds


Citation: Udosen, E. D., Udo, I. I. and John, N. M. (2009). Heavy metal contents of Poultry Feeds and Liver Tissues of Chicken Fed with Different Poultry Feeds. Journal of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Ecology, China, 2(3): 390 – 398.

Prof. Essien Udosen

Prof. Essien Udosen has taught Chemistry and Biology in Secondary Schools before joining College of Education which metamorphosed into the University of Cross River State, Uyo that gave birth to the present University of Uyo.

He has published over forty (40) articles in reputable national and international journals, written one text book and contributed to the writing of three text books in Science, technology and environmental chemistry.

Apart from the routine lecturing and research, Prof. Udosen had served as a lead consultant to Shell and Mobil Oil Companies. He is a member of many organizations and professional bodies, some of which are Nigerian Conservation Foundation (N.C.F.), Science Association of Nigeria {S.A.N.)etc. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Chemists of Nigeria (ICCON) and many others.
His personal knowledgebase, www.essienudosen.com.ng., has more to tell about this scholar

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