A BRIDGE ACROSS THE SEAS: Critical Essays on African Literature
Chapter One
Dialogue And Outrage In The Literature Of The African Diaspora: Langston Hughes’s Not Without Laughter, Lorraine Hansberry’s A
Raisin In The Sun And Richard Wright’s Black Boy
Chapter Two
Democracy and Ethno-racism: Citizens under Bondage in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man and Timothy Aluko’s Wrong Ones in the Dock
Chapter Three
The Nigerian Response to American Democracy: A Review of Chinua Achebe’s A Man of the People, Anthills of the Savannah and Richard Wright’s Native Son and Black Boy
Chapter Four
Religion as a Vehicle for Cultural Cohesion: James Baldwin’s Go tell it on the Mountain and Zaynab Alkali’s The Firtuous Woman and The Sullborn
Chapter Five
The African Response to American Feminism A Reading of Flora Nwapa and Alice Walker
Chapter Six
Unfettered Expression and Human Dignity: Langston Hughes’s Not Without Laughter, The Big Sea and Chinua Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah
Chapter Seven
Literacy as a Tool for Cultural Independence: Female Aspirations and Achievements in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Buchi Emecheta’s Kehinde
Bridge Across the Seas is a follow up to the initial collection of crucial critical essays in African Literature, Diamonds are Better than Gold, The essays on African Literature in the Continent and Diaspora were similarly presented in various and diverse academic conferences in reputable universities across the globe. Creative works by renowned African, African-American and Caribbean scholars are explored with a view to broadening their understanding and appreciation. Critical positions adopted by some of the scholars are commented on in order to provide the reader with a quick grasp of the issues being discussed. In the final analysis, these critical essays present readers with a clear and enduring knowledge of the subject matter.
This sequel collection is meant to facilitate and enrich the evolving and dynamic discourse on African Literature, Culture and Civilization and how it interacts with similar literature worldwide. It is hoped that more of such critical intellectual arguments will help to end myopic Eurocentric views on African Literature, especially those that question the validity or authenticity of this rich and diverse body of literature.
This is the second volume of the collection and it critically analyses creative literary masterpieces by African and Africanist scholars in the African Continent and elsewhere. I am greatly indebted and thankful to my teachers and colleagues at all levels of my training for pointing the way forward for these two volumes to be conceived and produced. May the Lord GOD of all Creation bless and imbue them with unending wisdom and knowledge to accelerate similar present and future discourses, Amen!
Francis Ibe Mogu
University of Calabar,
Calabar – Nigeria,
May 2015

Prof. Francis Mogu
Professor Francis Mogu is a highly experienced and exposed scholar who has done extensive research in:
1. African Literature (Colonial, Postcolonial to the Present)
2. African-American Literature in the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries
3. Gender / Women’s Studies (Black Feminist Criticism)
4. Caribbean Literature (C18th to C20th)
5. English Literature (Medieval, Renaissance, Restoration to the Twentieth Century)
6. Critical Theory (From Plato to Contemporary Times)
To his credit are Text books, Journal Articles, Modules Writing, Book Chapters and Conference Papers. Many of which are open access in this knowledgebase. He has edited and published several refereed Journals including Annals of Humanities and Development Studies, Beijing, China: Universal Academic Services, 2010.
Visit www.francismogu.com.ng to download his open access publications and know more about him.
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