Challenges Of Human Capacity Development for Effective Sustainable Resource Management in an Emerging Economy by Dominic A. Akpan


Nigeria is one of the countries to watch in the international system. A recent rebasing of her Gross Domestic Product GDP, now put at $510 billion, makes her Africa’s biggest economy. She is also nursing the hope of becoming one of the biggest economies by the year 2020. But by all standards, Nigeria is a consuming rather than a producing economy. She imports almost all her needs and only exports a volatile commodity, crude oil, with its value determined by the international market. On the other hand, she is blessed with good weather and arable land for agricultural development, abundant mineral resources in both liquid and other forms, fish and other sea foods, and hydro power potentials. She is strategically positioned on the Gulf of Guinea. She possesses
large and productive population — translated to mean a viable market for consumer goods. But in the area of human capacity, she is near average with avalanche of challenges. Indeed, today, Nigeria’s resources are controlled from outside by transnational and multinational corporations and other organizations that are feverish for a share in Nigeria’s rich resources.

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