Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) as Innovation In The Language Class by Inyang Udofot
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is a relatively new and rapidly evolving academic field that explores the role of information and communication technologies in language learning and teaching. It provides fertile ground for innovative and highly creative thinking and scholarly work. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) as an aspect of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) may be explained as the… application
of the computer in language teaching and learning (Levy, 1997:1). Using computers in language learning dates back to the early 1960’s though its use was confined then mainly to universities with good Computer Science Departments. By the early 1980’s, CALL was used in secondary schools in the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe (Levy 1997: 1). In Nigeria the use of the computer at all and especially in language learning and teaching is a very recent development which is yet confined to few specialized institutions.
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