Empowering Women and Advancing Science by Edu Inam
Across the globe women and girls share one circumstance — under representation in almost all fields, particularly science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Every country faces challenges with regard to women participation in national development, but the approaches to addressing the problems tend to differ. In some countries like Nigeria the focus is more on political mobilization schemes such as the Better Life for Rural
Women put forward by the late Mrs. Maryam Babangida or the current Women for Change Initiative of Dame Mrs. Patience Goodluck Jonathan. The 35% of political positions promised by the ruling Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) to women is still a palliative remedy indicated for the same problem of women underwhelming representation in our national polity. In some other countries the priority is on affirmative action or legislating and enforcing equal opportunities for women in employment. However, a recent innovation which seems to offer better chances for women and girls to climb the social ladder faster is bringing women into scientific and technological fields in such a large number that their demonstration effect will create spillover impacts to open other closed doors against women. The value of bringing women into technological and scientific fields is self—evident or even axiomatic. Technology has helped women in developing countries increase their productivities, create new entrepreneurial ventures, and access other nascent income-generating pursuits. In many parts of the world, women are still less likely to have access to technology; so putting technology in their hands would benefit them and
their communities.
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