Entertainment Education: A Strategy for Improving Nutrition Security in Rural Areas by Jike-Wai, O. & Etuk, U. R.
This paper examined Nutrition Extension; As a Strategy for Improving Nutrition Security in Rural Areas. Extension strategies in Nutrition and the Effect of Extension strategies on Nutrition security were also examined. The study did not find any reliable, effective and functional extension strategies geared towards the achievement of nutrition security in rural areas of Nigeria. Nevertheless, the study found that there have
been effort towards improvement of nutritional status of rural dwellers in Nigeria, but these efforts were not properly coordinated and tend to be weakened by certain factors such as cultural practices, individual lifestyle, awareness level, etc. It was therefore recommended that States Agricultural Development Programmes [ADP] should have nutritionists charged with the responsibility of transferring innovations on nutritions to
rural dwellers in the state and Curriculum planners should include nutrition education in the secondary school curriculum and specialists in nutrition should be the facilitators of the subject.
KeyWords: Entertainment Education, Extension, Strategies, Improving, Nutrition Security
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