Environmental education for Teachers by Inyang-Abia, M. E. & Usang, E.


Zaria: NIRVANA Publishing Co. Ltd. (1992).


    Chapter 1 An Overview
    Chapter 2 Persons and Orgamzatlons Assocnated with Environmental Educatlon
    Chapter 3 Philosophical and Religious Background to the Study of the Environment
    Chapter 4 Human Activities and the Environment
    Chapter 5 Problems and Economic Dimensions Associated wlth Environmental Degradation
    Chapter 8 Pollution
    Chapter 9 Environment and Ethics
    Chapter 10 Animal Conservatlon
    Chapter 11 Environmental Impact of Population
    Chapter 12 Drugs
    Chapter 13 Soil
    Chapter 14 Plants and Soil Conservatlon

Prof Moses Inyangabia

INYANG-ABIA, Moses, is a Professor of Curriculum Technologies and Environmental Education, Faculty of Education, University of Calabar. He holds a PhD (UNICAL: Curri Tech – 2000); CFS (Strathclyde: Environmental Edu -1990); MA (UNIFE: EduTech -1984); BA (UNICAL: Edu/Geo -1980). He was Director, Institute of Education ( 2006 – 2007); Provost,). Current research focus includes Integration of New Instructional Technologies and Grassroots Climate Change Mitigation Strategies.

His last two national outings were Lead Presentations at the Nigeria’s Centenary Celebration organized by NEST at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, September 24-25, 2014; and the Broad-based Multi-Sector National Education Summit organized at Abuja, Nigeria, by Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in collaboration with other Campus Unions and Civil Society Groups, 27-31 October, 2014.

Professor Inyang-Abia has travelled extensively, having been to all states of the federation and three continents of the world. He is, by the Grace of God, a Christian to the core. He is happily married to a Princess, Dr. (Mrs.) Eme Inyangabia. They are blessed with many children, in-laws and grandchildren. His major hobbies include reading, writing, conservation activities, religious activities and table tennis. He is a silent achiever

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