Issues and Challenges in Human Capital Development in Higher Education Teaching (HET) in Nigeria by Eno Edem & Maria Emmanuel Afangideh
The question ‘of the effectiveness of colleges and universities has been of increased concern globally. A fresh set of demands on institutions and their teachers for increased productivity has prompted the need to examine processes by which higher education is carried out. Also, it is obvious that teaching and research in institutions of higher learning are not carried out with high level of effectiveness. This is evident in the
dissatisfaction of the general public with the output of tertiary education, that is, largely with the quality of graduates and the spate of unemployment among them- The role of the teacher at any level of education can not be overemphasized. Efforts on teacher education have largely been concentrated on the primary and secondary levels of education with less emphasis on the tertiary level. This paper examines higher education teaching (HET) and calls for the development of teachers/or human resource for this system of education.
Keywords: Higher Education, Pedagogical tasks, competences, professionalism
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