The Fight Has Just Begun(Play-Text)
The world has witnessed societie strongly but mercilessly , destroyed. It has seen the coming and going of several generations; with heroic characteristics one after another. But there is one that has cut across all dispensations, standing transfixed for generations and defying every form of transformation – The Nature of Man. That intrinsic tinge of dirt in every heart, seeking to stain that which is clean, crawling subtly into the midst of orderliness, and turning crooked what was originally straight.
Udobong’s strong belief in the right course of justice has led him to his peril. But his friends believe that his fight has only just begun. That though Imo his nephew, is young and inexperienced, as claimed by the Ndidems, he yet remains the right and accepted one to ascend the throne of Mobio, a little rich village situated in the riverine area of Ekondo. This strong determination of Udobong’s friends vis-a-vis the resolute resistance mounted up by the Ndidems who wish to continue in power, is the cause of the fight, in this play.
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