The Stolen Manuscripts(Play-text)
You might probably wonder what my motivation was for writing The Stolen Manuscripts. You might have thought that a situation similar to the one dramatized in the plot did happen to me. No. it has not happened to me directly, but to others I share the same corridor with. It has happened to many others in the civil service. Their ideas have been fought and suppressed by their ill-informed bosses because some credits would go to them, or possibly, some promotion could come as a result of the experimentation of the idea It has happened rather rampantly in the University circles Where the struggle to get to the top is mostly a matter of hardwork.
And in the Arts in particular, such struggles have been realized to materialize within a short time for the creative ones. You asked what my motivation was? Well, just to punch with a little pin this bubbling balloon of vandalism, and to do that mercilessly if could, if by so doing, these terrible monsters could be driven back to the jungles, away from where human beings reside. Do you think it is too much on them?
Someone had earlier said that The Stolen Manuscripts has the potential of scattering campuses, I told him not to fear. Only the guilty need fear. If this work can carry out this great feat then my aim would have been achieved. Not that l propagate the destruction of systems though, but to execute a radical revolution in the regions of crookedness. A painful inclination meted against such characters as “Dr. Martins” so that others might shudder even at the thought of malicious and pernicious conducts and activities.
Sometimes names live out their meanings. Not only in humans, but even in literary works. Would you conceive that The Stolen Manuscripts has been stolen – four copies of the work stolen at different times? Whatever the reasons for stealing The Stolen Manuscripts God Almighty left a remnant of one copy hidden in one of my professor’s archives for eleven years. This resurrected the near-lost hope of The Stolen Manuscripts. But i keep wondering why this particular script attracted so much thievery.
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Testimonials | Having read Effiong Johnson's 'The Stolen Manuscript', I cannot but appreciate the peculiarity of his language and imaginative construct of the plot. It is an interesting text you can't drop if you start it. |
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