The Dark Side of Imperialism Under the Victorian Period: British Colonial Domination in Africa in the 19th Century and the Structural Extension of the Empire by Paul Maixcent Moussinga


The present study is carried out to scrutinize the British decolonization project in Africa which was motivated by the economic situation in Europe, particularly in Great Britain. A Indeed, confronted with the burdensome problem of managing the largest Empire in the world, Great Britain had to find means and ways to relinquish her African territories, still in a manner that would pro?t her. Victorian Imperialists had to turn the tide by transforming the process of African decolonization to an informal imperialist system which. produced tools of Imperialism managed by the main Imperial power to reproduce imperial structures on the continent.

Key words: Colonial domination, Empire, France, Great Britain, Imperialism,
Imperialists, philanthropists, Queen Victoria, Structural design, Victorians.

La présente etude est menée pour examiner le projet de decolonisation
britannique en Afrique qui était dictee par la situation économique en Europe mais
surtout en Grande-Bretagne. En effet, confronté au lourd probleme de gestion du plus
grand empire au monde, la Grande-Bretagne devait trouver des voies et moyens pour
abandonner ses territoires africains mais pas a n’importe quel prix. Les imperialistes de
l’epoque victorienne devaient renverser la tendance en transformant le processus de la decolonisation en A frique en un systeme impérialiste informel qui produisit des outils de l’Impérialisme gérés par la principale autorité imperiale pour reproduire des structures irnpériales sur le Continent noir.

Mots-CIés: Domination coloniale, empire, France, Grande-Bretagne.
imperialisme, impérialistes, philanthropes, reine Victoria, reconstruction structurale, partisans de Victoria.

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